Leading up to turning 27 I was all of a sudden inundated with a desire for more adventure and variety to mix up my everyday routine. So far... oh, so far it is going well. Really fucking well. Lets see, besides learning to surf and ride motorcycles, wake surfing can now be added to the list as well as an upcoming backpacking trip, followed by mexico which will hopefully include lots of scuba, then more backpacking, and somewhere in between all that I want to re-learn how to shoot guns. Particularly big shots guns. See, I read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, and really, have not recovered since.. and there are a particular set of skills I'd like to acquire before the end of the world. Especially if that shit goes down in my hood. Haha! Good book though. Really really recommend it. Where is that movie god damn it!! Anyhow, for my 27th year on the planet, I'd really like to travel more, and shoot some killer pics along with way.. here are some random snap shots of my recent escapades.. just to prove.. it is true... I AM EVA. I TAKE PICTURES BUT I LIKE TO DO OTHER STUFF TOO.

Yea.. that blurry pic on the right.. that's me photographed by my very good but legally blind friend. Nice try Kate ; )