Friday, February 22

ADC Young Gun Competition

I'm a YOUNG GUN! This is a really cool competition put on by the Art Directors Club. It focuses on creative visual artist of all kinds under the age of 30. Every year they make a book featuring all the artists. It's small but pretty cool. You can get it if you really want...

Thursday, February 21

I'm A winner!

PDN magazine holds an annual contest called the "Pix Digital Imaging Contest" to recognize talent in the new age of digital photography. Judges based their decisions on both the technical digital elements of the photographs but also the creativity behind them.

A little fashion series I shot ended up getting in. The images are featured in PDN Magazine as well as online.. and they were projected on the wall at the 13th annual digital pix award party in NY.

The success of these images can be greatly attributed to the help of some fantastic stylists.
Stying by Jamsine Hamed
Make-up by: Nam Vo
Hair By: Kien Hoang

Just Launched!!
Brand spankin' NEW photography website, designed by Daniel Stromborg of The Creative Common Good.