Saturday, June 21

An Eventful Solstice

I was asked by my soon to be brother-in -law, Eddie Madril, to do a shoot for his upcoming production called the Sun Dagger Solstice for the flyer's and program. He and his brother are both members of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and are very talented artists, I have had the opportunity to shoot them in the past which was awesome so I was thrilled to go at it again!
Eddie came up with the concept of the main image and I embellished it with adding a background and the style in post.

Friday, June 20


Took a little weekend trip to Sedona to Visit my Mother-in-law. Rented some kind of jeep thing and went off roding all day. They could have made the seats a little cushey-er... but other than that it was great to get away and see some of that good nature stuff.

Thursday, June 12

My Sweet Sweet Raquel!

So the really awesome thing about having this blog.. (and I am trying to keep up with it.. it's so hard to find time!) is that I have an opportunity to share my more experimental work or other images that might not necessarily fit into my "for serious" portfolio. Like this shoot of Raquel.. my good friend whom I met by chance as a budding model at age 17. Now she is living in Paris and shooting for folks like baccarat and even French play boy! Ooh La La. Well, I just love these pics of her, I shot on 4x5 polariod. It was one of our last shoots together before she left.